• Question: how much of its body can it regenerate

    Asked by joshgould123 to Catshark on 7 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Lesser-Spotted Catshark

      Lesser-Spotted Catshark answered on 7 Nov 2017:

      That’s a great question. It’s a great question because we don’t know the complete answer to this yet. We know they regenerate their teeth faster and more often than anything else and that is why we are so interested in this. But we also know that they are not particularly good at regenerating their fins if they are cut/bitten off – at least compared with some other fishes or salamanders like the Axolotl. Scientists are trying to figure out how good they are at regenerating other body tissues including the brain, heart muscle, and the cartilage of their skeletons. It seems like different animals are better or worse at regenerating different body tissues and this is probably because of their unique evolutionary histories.
