• Question: What part of a Catshark's body does electroreception come from?

    Asked by rbarnett855 to Catshark on 8 Dec 2017.
    • Photo: Lesser-Spotted Catshark

      Lesser-Spotted Catshark answered on 8 Dec 2017:

      Great question! Electroreception comes from specialised pores called Ampullae of Lorenzini. These pores are filled with a gel which conducts electricity which is sensed by the electroreceptor cells. The Ampullae of Lorenzini cover much of the face of the catshark but are particularly concentrated in the rostrum (or ‘snout’) and under the lower jaw (or ‘chin’). Some trained shark biologists are able to ‘hypnotise’ sharks by stimulating these electrororeceptors by rubbing them.
